The Brisbane Hand & Upper Limb Research Institute was established in 2010 to facilitate and coordinate upper limb clinical and basic science research across the private and public health-care sectors in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.
Our team of researchers are involved in over 30 projects dedicated to improving the quality of health care, surgery and outcomes of people with upper limb conditions. See our current projects.
You can contribute to a range of work that helps us to provide safer and better-quality care to patients who experience Hand and Upper Limb conditions:
• Expert knowledge and skill
• Donation (tax deductible)
Please contact our Research Manager via

Recent News
Hand Surgery and the Digital Revolution Conference
In March, the Brisbane Hand and Upper Limb Research Institute gave a number of presentations at the 12th Asian Pacific Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand and the [...]
Recruitment Finalised: Prediction of post-operative cognitive decline following shoulder surgery in the beach chair position: the value of cerebral oximetry
Surgery to the shoulder may be performed with patients seated upright in a position known as the beach chair position (BCP). We have recently recruited our 200th and final participant [...]
In vitro comparison of wear characteristics of PyroCarbon & metal on bone: Shoulder hemiarthroplasty
Prof Mark Ross, previous fellow Dr Noel Peter and other collaborators have published results showing that PyroCarbon hemiarthroplasty implants cause significantly less damage to bone than conventional cobalt chromium implants [...]
BHULRI digitalisation
Study participants are now completing electronic questionnaires. Going digital will reduce data entry time, allowing the research team to spend more time on experimental design and data analysis. It will [...]
Contribution to Textbook – “Normal and Pathological Anatomy of the Shoulder”
Professor Mark Ross and Visiting Shoulder Fellow Dr Kieran Hirpara (MB, BCh, BAO, MD, FRCSOrth) contributed to a book chapter describing the "Anterior Shoulder Approaches to the Shoulder." The text [...]
Recent Publications
Proximal Trapezoidectomy and Scaphotrapezoid Joint Tendon Interposition at the Time of Ligament Reconstruction and Tendon Interposition for Pan Trapezial Osteoarthritis Does Not Increase Proximal Carpal Row Malalignment
Purpose The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether removing the proximal trapezoid from the scaphotrapezoid joint (STJ) and interposing tendon when performing a ligament reconstruction and tendon interposition (LRTI) [...]
Correlation of magnetic resonance and arthroscopy in the diagnosis of shoulder injury
Groarke P, Jagernauth S, Peters SE, Manzanero S, O’Connell P, Cowderoy G, Gilpin D, Hope B, Marchant D, Cutbush K, Andrews S, Duke P, Ross M. Correlation of magnetic resonance [...]
Accuracy of magnetic resonance imaging of the wrist for clinically important lesions of the major interosseous ligaments and triangular fibrocartilage complex; correlation with radiocarpal arthroscopy
Daunt N, Couzens GB, Cutbush K, Green J, Ross M. Accuracy of magnetic resonance imaging of the wrist for clinically important lesions of the major interosseous ligaments and triangular fibrocartilage [...]
Rehabilitation following surgery for flexor tendon injuries of the hand
Peters SE, Jha B, Ross M. Rehabilitation following surgery for flexor tendon injuries of the hand. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2021. AbstractVarious rehabilitation treatments may be offered following surgery [...]
Mechanical performance comparison of two surgical constructs for wrist four-corner arthrodesis via dorsal and radial approaches
Faudot B, Ballerini J, Ross M, Bellemère P, Goislard de Monsabert B, Vigouroux L, Milan JL. Mechanical performance comparison of two surgical constructs for wrist four-corner arthrodesis via dorsal and [...]